Friday 17 September 2021

What Do Psoriasis, Eczema, and Erectile Dysfunction Have in Common?


Have you ever thought these three health conditions can have something in common? It turns out that they do. Even more. Every health condition shares some similarities with a very different one for one apparent reason: they all come from within. Everything that one human can experience has to do with her psychological and physiological health simultaneously. As the body works as a synchronized mechanism, one issue can bring about different conditions.

Want to learn what these three share?

Well, you know the answer already.

The Driver Inside

These three conditions are all connected to the inner driver – the blood. You may call it a transport or driver as blood delivers significant nutrients and oxygen and takes all the unnecessary elements and chemicals from all the cells. Your mind communicates with the body through sending hormones. If the brain is the sender, hormones are the package, and organs are the receiver, then blood is the courier. When something goes wrong with it, conditions ranging from skin issues to sexual disorders can arise.

Psoriasis: Attacking Yourself

Psoriasis is responsible for the uncontrolled growth of skin cells as the body itself attacks them. Blood is involved in this process through its cells called white blood cells (also known as T cells). A typical body would make its immune system produce such cells to attack hazardous elements and chemicals penetrating the body.

When a person has psoriasis, those white cells mistake skin cells for some threat. Subsequently, they attack those cells, and the skin has to replenish the attacked ones quickly. It starts producing new cells, which pile up as they appear on the skin’s surface. This becomes a vicious cycle, and doctors are still not sure about the exact causes of it. One thing is clear: blood is an accomplice here.

Eczema: Itchy and Dry

Broadly speaking, eczema or dermatitis is about skin inflammation. If a person has this condition, her skin starts itching and aching, becomes red and dry. Eczema can showcase itself starting from childhood, but adults are not free from it as well. Doctors are not sure about what causes eczema as well. However, blood has its say in the process too.

For example, there is an eczema type called stasis dermatitis, which usually attacks adults. It develops as a result of poor blood circulation and mainly affects the legs. Blood pressure increases, which makes water build up in the capillaries. This brings out the inflammation mentioned above.

If you think you might have such issues, calling for home blood draw services would help you get safely tested and timely prevent or learn about what goes on in your body.

Erectile Dysfunction: You Want, But You Can’t

Erectile dysfunction (ED) also has to do with blood flow and circulation. As the name suggests, this condition affects men’s ability to develop and maintain a firm erection. While an average man would experience this from time to time, a person with ED would often face this issue. As a result, his self-esteem and sexual performance would suffer.

One can develop ED when the penile muscles or the penis itself do not get enough blood, or the blood vessels are clogged. While getting erect, the penis needs blood support, which is directed by the brain to flow to this area. If there is a plaque on its way or any other issues hindering its circulation, the penis will not get the necessary foundation to develop an erection.

These three represent just a small number of conditions that you may stumble upon due to “bloody” issues. Blood is the natural transmitter, so regularly testing it would help you keep your health in check.

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