Saturday 29 September 2018

Is my rash psoriasis or folliculitis?


Psoriasis and folliculitis can both cause patches of itchy, red, inflamed skin to appear. However, they are very different conditions.

The additional symptoms that these conditions cause are not the same, and they have different causes. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, while folliculitis is a temporary infection of the hair follicles.
Folliculitis is quite common, and anyone can get this skin problem. Although psoriasis is relatively prevalent, it will only affect 2–3 percent of people worldwide.
In this article, we look at the differences in the symptoms and causes of these two conditions to help people distinguish between them. We also cover treatment options and when to see a doctor.

Psoriasis vs. folliculitis

Although they both affect the skin, psoriasis and folliculitis are very different conditions.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune inflammatory condition. There are several types of psoriasis, each of which has slightly different symptoms.
The types of psoriasis that can resemble folliculitis include:
  • Plaque psoriasis, which causes dry, red patches on the skin. The patches may be raised, itchy, and painful.
  • Guttate psoriasis, which produces small, scaling lesions on the skin. This form of psoriasis occurs as a result of bacterial infection and will usually resolve without treatment once the infection clears.
  • Pustular psoriasis, an uncommon type of psoriasis that causes pus-filled skin blisters together with itching, fever, chills, and diarrhoea.
People are most likely to mistake guttate or pustular psoriasis for folliculitis because all of these conditions can cause patches of small, red or yellow spots on the skin.

                                              Psoriasis can cause red, scaly patches of skin.


Folliculitis is a mild skin infection that results from bacteria entering the base of a hair follicle. It can occur anywhere on the body that has hair.
Unlike psoriasis, which is a chronic condition that often requires long-term treatment, folliculitis is a temporary bacterial infection that will usually clear up quickly with treatment.
Folliculitis presents as small, red or yellow bumps containing pus. The bumps often appear after a person shaves, wears tight clothing, or comes into contact with hot water.

Symptoms of psoriasis and folliculitis

There is an overlap in the symptoms of psoriasis and folliculitis. For example, some forms of psoriasis cause small, red or yellow skin bumps that resemble folliculitis.
However, there are also differences between the symptoms of these conditions. Folliculitis is more likely to affect areas of skin where friction occurs, such as the thighs and buttocks, or areas that people have recently shaved. Conversely, psoriasis symptoms can appear anywhere on the body.
The symptoms of psoriasis include:
  • red, inflamed, and raised patches of skin with a covering of thick, silvery scales
  • small areas of scaly skin
  • dry skin that may crack or bleed
  • itching, burning, and soreness around the patches
  • thick, pitted, and ridged nails
  • swollen and painful joints, in people who also have psoriatic arthritis
The symptoms of folliculitis include:
  • small pus-filled blisters that may erupt and ooze
  • small or large infected bumps on the skin
  • a painful, itching, or burning sensation


                  Gaining weight or wearing tight clothing can increase the risk of folliculitis.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, and it is not contagious. The exact cause of psoriasis is not clear, but there are some known risk factors and triggers.
Folliculitis is an infection. Bacteria are usually responsible for this condition, but viruses and fungal infections can also cause it. Folliculitis can be contagious, and people may pass the infection to others through close skin contact.

The risk factors for psoriasis and folliculitis are different.
Risk factors for psoriasis include:
  • having a family history of psoriasis
  • getting a viral or bacterial infection
  • injuring the skin
  • being obese
  • smoking
Various triggers can cause psoriasis flares to occur. These differ between people but often include stress, diet, and other lifestyle factors.

The following factors can increase a person’s risk of folliculitis:
  • using an improperly maintained hot tub
  • shaving, plucking, or waxing
  • wearing tight clothing
  • using some topical medications, such as coal tar
  • gaining weight
  • having a suppressed immune system


People with psoriasis may require long-term treatment to manage their symptoms.
Psoriasis treatments may include:
  • topical corticosteroids to control inflammation and itching
  • retinoids to manage inflammation
  • moisturizers for dry skin
  • coal tar products to remove scales and soften skin
  • oral or injected medication
  • salicylic acid for scaling
  • light therapy
Folliculitis treatment aims to clear the infection, after which there should be no lasting effects.

Folliculitis treatments may include:
  • avoiding triggers
  • warm compresses
  • keeping the area clean
  • antiseptic lotion
  • topical or oral antibiotics, if the infection does not clear up on its own

When to see a doctor

          A person who suspects that they have psoriasis should see a doctor for a diagnosis.

Folliculitis is not harmful and will go away on its own. However, any individuals who suspect that they have psoriasis should see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
People should also see a doctor if they have any symptoms of infection, such as worsening pain, swelling, or fever, especially they believe that it is severe or spreading.
Anyone with an unexplained rash should seek medical attention. Delayed diagnosis can make the symptoms worse and delay recovery.

What else could the rash be?

People may sometimes mistake psoriasis and folliculitis for other skin conditions, including:


Psoriasis and folliculitis can cause similar symptoms, but they are separate conditions with different causes.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that it is possible to manage but not cure. Folliculitis is a bacterial infection that tends to resolve in a few days with home care or antibiotics.

Thursday 27 September 2018

How can psoriasis affect the mouth and tongue?


Psoriasis can affect any area of skin, including that of the mouth and tongue. The condition can cause cracks to form on the tongue or smooth patches, in a complication called geographic tongue.
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition. It causes a person’s skin to grow faster than average, resulting in red and often scaly patches of skin.
These patches can form anywhere on the body. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, the most common areas are the scalp, elbows, and knees.
Less frequently, psoriasis affects the mouth. Oral psoriasis can cause red patches with yellow or white edges to form on the tongue.
Read on to learn more about the symptoms, risk factors, and treatments for psoriasis on the tongue.

Symptoms of psoriasis on the tongue

                                      People with psoriasis may develop geographic tongue.

Psoriasis can cause noticeable changes in the colour, texture, and feeling of the tongue.
For example, people with psoriasis are more likely to develop an inflammatory condition called geographic tongue, or erythema migrans.
The condition stems from an issue with the immune system. It causes the tongue’s skin cells to grow and shed at an irregular rate, resulting in smooth patches.
An estimated 10 percent of people with psoriasis experience geographic tongue, compared to 1–2 percent of the general population.
Symptoms of psoriasis on the tongue include:
  • red patches with yellow or white borders
  • swelling and redness on the tongue
  • smooth patches
  • fissures or cracks in the surface of the tongue
Psoriasis on the tongue can be tricky to diagnose because signs may be mild or even unnoticeable.
However, for some people, these symptoms can lead to pain or swelling so severe that it makes eating or drinking difficult.
Authors of a 2016 study concluded that identifying the cause of issues such as geographic tongue can be difficult. Not all people with geographic tongue have psoriasis, but the two conditions are likely linked.
A thorough examination and testing can help a doctor determine if a person with geographic tongue has oral psoriasis.

How does psoriasis affect the mouth, gums, and lips?

Psoriasis typically does not affect the mouth. When it does, people may experience the following symptoms:
  • peeling skin on the gums
  • sores or pustules in or around the mouth
  • pain or a burning sensation when eating hot or spicy foods
  • a noticeable change in taste
In most cases, the patches or sores will appear on the inside of the cheeks.

Risk factors for psoriasis on the tongue

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation in the United States, about 10 percent of people are born with one or more gene that makes them prone to psoriasis in general. However, only 2–3 percent of these people actually develop the condition.
To develop psoriasis, a person must have at least one of the relevant genes and be exposed to triggers.
Several factors can trigger psoriasis, including:
  • stress
  • medications
  • infection
  • injury to the skin
Psoriasis may affect only one area of the body or several, and it may arise in new places. No matter where it occurs, psoriasis is not contagious, so a person cannot pass on the condition to others.


Many treatments can help people manage their psoriasis symptoms.
Oral psoriasis sometimes requires no treatment. However, consult a doctor if the symptoms interfere with daily activities.
The doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatories or topical anesthetics for people with oral psoriasis. These medications can help reduce inflammation and pain, making it easier to eat and drink.
A person may notice improvements in oral psoriasis if they treat body-wide symptoms. Typically, when treating psoriasis, a doctor will prescribe medications, such as:
  • methotrexate
  • acitretin
  • cyclosporine


To prevent psoriasis symptoms from flaring up, it can help to avoid triggers. For psoriasis on the tongue, a person can:
  • avoid spicy or very hot foods
  • quit smoking
  • use mouth rinses
  • practice good oral hygiene
It can also help to reduce stress, which can worsen symptoms.


Psoriasis is a chronic condition that forms patches of dry or broken skin. It can affect skin on any part of the body, including the tongue and mouth.
A person can manage symptoms by avoiding triggers and taking medication. Triggers can include certain foods, some medicines, and stress.
Seek treatment for psoriasis, even if symptoms are mild. A doctor can develop an overall treatment plan to help reduce the number of flare-ups.
Some people with psoriasis find that it affects their mental health. Counsellors can provide support.