Thursday 26 March 2015

All About Scalp Psoriasis

By Sara Nilsson

Nowadays, most of the people are faced to various kinds of diseases and some of them are more painful. Sometimes these types of diseases affect the life cycle of the patient in an adverse way. Psoriasis is one of the diseases that is painful and also affects on the life style of a Pearson. Psoriasis has many types; some of them are plaque Psoriasis, pustular Psoriasis, guttate Psoriasis, erythrodermic Psoriasis and inverse Psoriasis. At the present, fateful reason of Psoriasis is unknown.
Psoriasis has one another type which is a common skin disease and many times it produces reddish, raised, and often scaly patches on the skin. Sometimes appears as one patch and sometimes appears as multiple patches on the skin which may affect the whole scalp. Also it may spread away from the scalp to the neck, back of the forehead or behind the ears. This type of Psoriasis is known as psoriasis i hrbotten. Some of the reddish patches occurred on the scalp are hardly noticeable but mostly these are visible.

Scalp psoriasis does not spread through touch i.e. it is non-contagious disease. Similar to other types of psoriasis, its exact reason is unidentified. It is caused due to rapid growth of skin cells which results in the patches. An irregularity of the immune system is also one of the major reasons of fast cell growth. Development of this type of Psoriasis is depended on the family history. That means, if anyone from family is having Psoriasis then there is high possibility of developing Psoriasis rather than control.

Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis:
It includes many symptoms but only some of them are very popular which are as follows:
Dandruff and silvery-white scale can be seen on the scalp. But scalp psoriasis and dandruff are different from each other. Scalp psoriasis causes a silvery polish and dry scale on the scalp of the skin.
Dry scalp: Skin of the Psoriasis patients may get dry. To avoid this try to use moisturizers on the affected skin.
Itching: It is one of the most ordinary symptoms of Psoriasis. Patients suffering from Scalp Psoriasis may have strong itching which can interfere with everyday life and may have an effect on sleep at night. Due to which these patients cannot perform their daily work properly.
Bleeding: Many times due to dry skin, skin gets scratched and after some time results in bleeding. It is more painful, so patients should take care that the skin always remains moisturized to avoid it getting dry.
Burning sensation: Skin may give sometimes burning sensation.
Temporary hair loss: Even though scalp psoriasis is not the cause of hair loss, but frequently scratching, elimination of scales and stress may result in temporary hair loss.

There are so many treatments are available for Psoriasis but many of them have side effects. To prevent the side effects, special care has to be taken, at the time of taking Behandling mot psoriasis. To avoid this, and always try to take a topical treatment. To accomplish the topical treatment, patient should use medicated creams, shampoos, oils, and soaps. Other important thing is that always try to take treatment from recognized dermatologist.

Saturday 21 March 2015

7 Useful Benefits of Garlic

By Leo Eigenberg

Garlic has been helpful in many areas throughout the years. This herb is rich in allicin, selenium, manganese, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Latest scientific research indicates garlic can help to treat or prevent certain conditions and diseases, such as the common cold, cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure. Here are seven reasons that garlic can benefit the health and home:

Garlic is packed with bacteria killing antioxidants, which make a useful remedy to help treat acne or other skin blemishes. It should be used as a topical treatment with a clove of garlic gently rubber over the pimples.
Athlete's foot
Add crushed garlic to a bowl of warm water to create a soothing remedy to treat the itchiness associated with athlete's foot. A garlic based foot bath should be used for about 30 minutes and repeat the procedure until the symptoms start to subside.

Cold sores
A popular home remedy for treating cold sores is to use garlic. Place a piece of fresh crushed garlic on the affected skin and leave in place to help with reducing the swelling and pain. Plus, store-bought supplements can also help to heal the cold sores faster.

The high concentration of antioxidants helps to give the immune system a boost which is needed to treat colds. A remedy for colds is usually sipping garlic tea, which can be combined with ginger or honey to create a more acceptable taste.

Garlic is helpful for growing beautiful hair for its high concentration of the sulfur compound known as allicin. This compound is great for treating the early signs of hair loss. The most effective method to use garlic is to massage the actual cloves of garlic into the scalp. Also, the garlic can be combined with oil to make it easier to rub in.
Mosquito protection
Garlic is effective at protecting against mosquito bites. If a purpose made bug spray isn't available, a natural repellant is easily made using a combination of beeswax, petroleum jelly, and garlic oil. While this might not give the most pleasant smell, rubbing the solution on the arms and legs will help to deter the attention of the mosquitoes.

Soothe psoriasis
The anti-inflammatory properties of garlic can make it a natural solution to relieve some of the discomfort that comes with a mild outbreak of psoriasis. Use high-quality garlic oil and rub this on the area of skin that has developed a rash.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Why Is Homeopathy the Best Kind of Treatment for Psoriasis?

By Rajesh B Sanghvi

Psoriasis is an obstinate skin condition in which red patches of various sizes develop on the skin that is covered with dry, silvery scales. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects many people across the globe. While, there are multiple kinds of medication and treatment options available to patients, there are cases where the treatment may not prove to be effective or generate long lasting results. In this context, one of the options patients have is the homeopathic route. Homeopathy can be regarded as one of the alternative treatments and therapies that work to relive the condition from the root cause, rather than just a reactive measure. It is focused on prevention and being proactive, which helps patients get completely cured in many cases. In the case of these conditions, homeopathy treatment for Psoriasis is highly recommended for the following advantages it offers.
1. Approach to treatment - Unlike allopathic therapies, homeopathy works at the root level, using the body's immune and healing ability to treat the condition in a more holistic manner. The result is that the patient can get his immune system stronger by fighting the condition, resulting in a long ranging cure, rather than just a superficial approach. This factor makes this treatment very effective and dependable.
2. No side effects - Many patients tend to develop various side effects as response to strong dosage or the high chemical content in allopathic medicines. One can be rest assured that homeopathy will not result in any harmful side-effects as it uses natural substances.
3. Anyone can be treated - This treatment is so safe that even infants, pregnant women and senior citizens who maybe on other medications can take the treatment without worrying about it affecting the core condition being treated.
4. Affordable - Compared to other options, this line of treatment is highly affordable and inexpensive comparatively. This makes it within the reach of more people, even those who may not be financially capable of getting high quality treatment.
5. Storage - One of the biggest advantages is that it can be stored for a longer period of time, making it a long term solution rather than just time bound one. This factor goes a long way in its popularity. Also, this makes it a better alternative by far.
6. Effective - As the treatment can be used in highly acute or sever conditions, it makes for one of the most long term healing alternatives for patients. It also helps in making the root cause go away, thus making it a more successful treatment option.
The above reasons make homeopathic treatment for psoriasis one of the best options available to any patient looking to feel good and remain well.