Monday 24 November 2014

Can You Get Rid Of Psoriasis Naturally With Neem Oil?

By Terry Robbins

One thing to keep in mind is that there is currently no cure for psoriasis. However, many psoriasis sufferers have been able to find relief from the symptoms of psoriasis and/or keep psoriasis flare-ups to a minimum using various treatment approaches including with the use of many natural methods such as natural oils. One of these natural oils that is heavily discussed for natural psoriasis treatment is neem oil. Can you get rid of psoriasis naturally with neem oil? Let's see.
The Wonders of Neem
In Sanskrit, "neem" is derived from the term "nimba" which means "bestower of good health." This tree is native to India and has been a staple in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for over one thousand years.
According to the Neem Foundation in India, about 75 percent of Ayurvedic formulas feature neem as a key ingredient. These formulas have been used to naturally treat various diseases and conditions.
Various parts of the neem tree such as leaves, branches, bark, etc are used for healing and neem oil is derived from the seed kernels of this tree.
The various effective uses of neem include but are not limited to;
1. Pesticide
This is probably the most commonly known use of neem in the Western world. There are many studies that indicate that neem is able to kill, repel or disrupt the damaging effects and reproduction of various agricultural pets such as weevils, beetles, etc.
Neem can also be used as a personal bug spray or ointment as it is able to act as an effective insect repellant to keep various bugs and mosquitoes from landing and feasting on you. In addition, studies have shown that even a small amount of neem can kill all the mosquito larvae some of which cause malaria in certain parts of the world without any risk to nonpest animals unlike various chemical pesticides.
2. Dental
It is quite common for many Indians to chew on neem tree twigs because neem ensures dental health according to various studies. The extract has been found to be able to kill bacteria that commonly cause plaque, tooth decay and gum disease. Toothpaste that contains neem extract are available in various health food stores.
3. Acne
This skin condition which affects most people can be treated naturally with neem because of its bacteria killing properties which target the bacteria that causes acne. This can help to prevent acne breakouts and promote clearer skin.
4. Ulcers
Neem has been shown by some studies to be able to reduce the secretion of stomach acid and treat stomach ulcers using either the neem leaf or neem bark extracts without significant side effects.
5. Contraception
Some studies have shown that neem leaf extract is spermicidal and can help prevent pregnancy to some extent.
Other possibilities for natural treatment using neem include warts, eczema, herpes, chickenpox, athlete's foot, skin cancer, etc.
Can You Get Rid of Psoriasis with Neem?
Neem features a complex mix of over 140 active ingredients that can help to get rid of psoriasis naturally. While not a cure, there are many psoriasis sufferers who have been able to obtain relief from the symptoms using neem. The following are some of the uses of neem for psoriasis that can help answer the question "can you get rid of psoriasis with neem?"
  1. Neem oil acts as an effective emollient as it contains various fatty acids as well as natural vitamin E to help moisturize and soften dry skin which can increase the risk of developing psoriasis symptoms if the skin is not kept well moisturized.

  2. Neem oil can increase skin health as well as enhance the natural immunity of the skin which can help prevent flare-ups.

  3. Neem oil as previously mentioned is anti-bacterial as well as being anti-fungal and anti-microbial which can help prevent skin infections that can increase the risk of bringing on psoriasis symptoms.

  4. Neem oil is able to treat skin redness and swelling that are associated with the lesions as well as soothe skin irritation and itchy lesions.

  5. Taking neem extracts from the leaves or barks internally can help to boost the immune system which can help it better fight off psoriasis symptoms.

  6. Three active ingredients found in neem known as "nimbidin", "nimbin and "quercetin" are anti-inflammatory compounds which can help to combat the development of the symptoms of psoriasis. Having a high level of inflammation in the body can increase the risk of developing various diseases and conditions including psoriasis.

How To Use Neem for Natural Psoriasis Treatment
Neem oil is very easily available since it is commonly used as a pesticide. For best results, use unrefined, organic neem oil that is cold pressed or expeller pressed to ensure that all the beneficial properties are present in the oil. Apply this oil to the face and/or body as often as you wish to combat dry skin, itching, inflammation as well as to treat the lesions naturally.
Simply use the oil as you would any skin moisturizer or hot oil treatment (scalp psoriasis) or apply a few drops to the bath water before soaking in this water for about 15 to 20 minutes.
For internal usage, do not use neem oil because it is toxic! Use products that contain the extracts from the leaves or bark such as tablets, capsules or neem tea.
You can consume the neem tea and/or steep the tea bags in hot bath water for at least 5 minutes and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
Caution with Neem Oil Usage
As mentioned previously, neem oil is toxic so do not ingest it. Pregnant and nursing women as well as infants and children should avoid it.
If using products that contain the extracts, simply follow the label instructions.
Neem can cause allergic reactions so do keep this in mind.
Another point to keep in mind with neem oil is that it STINKS! This can be a deal breaker for some whereas it may not be that significant of an issue for others. This may be one of the reasons that it is such as great insect repellant! If the smell bothers you so much, you may consider adding various essential oils such as lavender, tea tree oil, peppermint, etc.
Can You Get Rid of Psoriasis with Neem Oil or Other Neem Products?
There are many positive results that have been noted from the use of various neem products but neem oil especially, that make it a viable natural remedy for psoriasis but like every other recommended treatment for psoriasis, simply because it works for one sufferer does not mean it will work for you and vice versa. Experimentation with neem oil is the only way to determine whether this natural remedy will help get rid of psoriasis lesions.
In addition, using neem oil while still dealing with chronic stress in your life, smoking, drinking, and many other activities that increase the risk of developing psoriasis symptoms may hinder your ability to have positive results from neem usage.
With this in mind, neem oil as well as products that contain neem extracts are still a viable natural method for treating psoriasis. So the answer to the question " can you get rid of psoriasis? with neem oil?" is definitely yes as this remedy is worth a try.

Monday 10 November 2014

Understanding Psoriasis For New Sufferers

By Vicky Fern

If you are a new sufferer of psoriasis it can seem a bit overwhelming at first. However with a bit of knowledge you can quickly learn how to effectively manage your condition.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition. That means it is long term. It causes your skin cells to reproduce too quickly which results in patches of skin that are thick and white or red. Normal skin cell production grows gradually with skin flaking off in an unnoticed manner every four weeks. As new cells grow they replace the outer layers of skin which shed. But if you are suffering from psoriasis your new cells move to the surface faster than your outer layer can shed. This means it builds up in a matter of days and forms thick patches. These patches are referred to as plaques and they range in size. They often appear on the hands or the feet as well as the knees and the elbows. Some people see these patches form on the scalp or the lower back as well. Psoriasis is most common adults though children and teens can suffer from the condition as well.
Psoriasis can be very embarrassing-especially for teenagers-who are prone to avoiding social situations where their patches may show. However there are many treatment methods available which can help you to keep your psoriasis outbreaks and inflammation under control. Sometimes psoriasis can run in the family and is passed from parent to child. However the triggers are different for each person. If you are new to psoriasis you should start to take note of the times when your skin gets worse. For many people flare ups get worse due to dry skin or stress. Infections and cold climates can also cause increased flare ups. There are certain blood pressure medications which can make your condition worse or trigger a new outbreak. The condition is not contagious and therefore cannot be spread through touching.
The symptoms will appear in different manners. If you have a mild condition you might only see a slight rash. If you have a moderate or severe condition there may be raised red areas on your skin with silvery skin on top. In severe cases the skin is tender and itchy and the patches which form can be uncomfortable. Symptoms of psoriasis may go into remission without treatment and flare up again without warning. You can treat psoriasis in many fashions. One of the most basic is traditional skin care. This means keeping your skin moisturized using lotions. You can also use topical creams when you start to notice a flare up. These topical creams range in strength and are available over the counter or through a prescription. They often contain soothing vitamins and anti-inflammatory agents. You can try exposing the affected areas to sunlight or to UV light to help manage a flare up.
If you are suffering from psoriasis it is best to avoid skin injuries, stress, infections, alcohol, smoking, over exposure to sunlight, and certain medications such as beta-blockers. These items can all worsen your condition.
Never give up. Make the necessary changes in your lifestyle and continue on the journey to find the treatment for psoriasis that will work for you.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Jab that can cure psoriasis


Thousands of people suffering from psoriasis could gain long-term relief with a revolutionary new drug.
Until now, there has been no drug specifically targeted at this condition that affects 1.2 million people in the Britain, and more than 90 million worldwide.
Not only is Amevive the first drug developed for psoriasis, it also holds out the hope of long-term remission from the disease.

Many patients find that existing treatments are only short-lived before having to be repeated. But when using Amevive, patients may stay symptom-free for up to a year.

The drug - which is launched in the UK at the end of the year - is normally injected weekly into the arm (at a hospital) over a 12-week period. By the end of that time patients will have started to notice their skin beginning to clear.

Amevive works by slowing the cells in the immune system responsible for psoriasis. The disease is caused by these immune cells - called T cells - becoming overactive. These cells are the triggers for psoriasis and other autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

In psoriasis, the skin cells multiply ten times faster than the normal rate.

The excess cells pile up on the skin surface, forming red, raised, scaly, plaques that can be painful and disfiguring.

Many find themselves excluded from social circles because of the belief that psoriasis is infectious in some way, which it is not. Sufferers may be embarrassed to do normal activities such as swimming because it exposes their psoriasis.

Amevive is likely to benefit the 350,000 people in Britain who suffer from psoriasis so badly that they need more than mild creams to try and keep the condition in check.

'There is a tremendous stigma attached to psoriasis,' says Gladys Edwards, of the Psoriasis Association. 'If patients got long-term relief from a new drug, that would boost their self-esteem and allow them to get on with a normal life.'

Dermatologists find that no single drug is completely effective for all psoriasis sufferers. But in trials, Amevive gave complete or near complete remission for 75 per cent of patients after the 12-week course of injections. Some patients remained disease-free for up to ten months.

Professor Chris Griffiths, a leading expert on psoriasis, carried out trials with Amevive at Hope Hospital in Manchester. He says the drug has advantages over many existing drugs because it has, so far, been shown to have few side effects.

He adds: 'There have been some reasonable drugs in the past, but what makes Amevive different is that it was specifically designed to treat psoriasis.

'PUVA is a form of photolight therapy, which is very effective for many patients, but has to be used sparingly because - like most light therapies - there is an increased risk of cancer.

'Cyclosporine is used to prevent rejection in transplant surgery and works really well because it suppresses the immune response, but it has been linked to kidney damage and can cause raised blood pressure.'

Methotrexate, an anti- cancer drug, has been shown to be effective, but it can be toxic to the liver.

'Amevive worked well for a number of patients on our trial and it appears to have a very promising future,' says Professor Griffiths.

'Rather than suppress the condition, it targets the cause of the disease.'

Saturday 1 November 2014

The Best Treatment For Psoriasis

People often talk about the different treatments used against psoriasis and how well they worked for them, but unfortunately whatever may have worked for one person won't necessarily work for another. This can make identifying the single best treatment for psoriasis difficult, and is what makes curing yourself of the condition a minefield of different lotions and potions.
Because of this hit and miss nature of finding the best treatment for psoriasis, many people will fail to find ultimate relief from it. However, eradicating psoriasis from your life needn€ ??t be as difficult as this sounds, just by taking a holistic approach to the problem.
Holistic treatment is all about taking a look at the bigger picture, and looking at the whole range of factors that can combine to cause psoriasis. This approach is not about taking a magic pill that will make the problem go away, but in applying changes to areas of your life that can make an impact on your condition.
Most people with psoriasis will already be using some kind of cream or lotion on the affected areas, to help soothe the skin and help it to heal. These can help, but as they are only targeting the symptoms on the surface, they are not the best treatment for psoriasis. That said, if they do help then they can be a part of our holistic cure, although it is recommended you use products with natural ingredients. This is also true of soap and shower gels, too many chemicals in them can irritate the skin further.
To truly tackle the condition, the best treatment for psoriasis is to address it at the root of what causes it. Unfortunately it is still not full understood exactly why psoriasis happens to some people, but we do know enough to be able to take some action to stop it. Psoriasis is known to be an immune system related disorder, and thus by helping our immune system we can help rid ourselves of the disease.
In view of helping the immune system, the best treatment for psoriasis sufferers to take is going to involve addressing their diet. If you eat too much processed convenience food and not enough healthy fresh produce, then you are already harming your immune system. To function properly it needs a daily supply of vital nutrients, and much of the food we eat today is stripped of these nutrients in the manufacturing process.
Not only that, but chemicals are added to the food such as preservatives, emulsifiers and colourings, which all have a detrimental effect on the immune system. The toxic chemicals these foods dump in the body are often too much for the immune system to deal with efficiently, and can leave it unable to fight off diseases like psoriasis. The normal process to deal with toxins is to flush them out through the urine and bowels, but when a build up occurs the body will use the pores on the skin to expel them, irritating the skin and exacerbating the problem.
The best treatment for psoriasis has to involve reducing the amount of toxins you put in your body, by eating healthier, and removing any build up through a good detox program. This way of tackling psoriasis may involve a little work in implementing the changes required, but it is effective and will also leave you in better health overall.