Tuesday 28 October 2014

Dry Penile Skin? Here's What Your Body May Be Missing

By John Dugan

Dry penile skin is more than just a minor cosmetic problem - it can cause discomfort and embarrassment, and it can even impair a man's ability to perform well, not to mention making the tissue more susceptible to infection. Some of the causes of a dry, itchy penis may be surprising, and addressing them is an important aspect of penis care. Here are just some of the things a man may be missing in his diet and other daily habits that can damage his penile health.
1) Vitamin A. This fat-soluble vitamin plays an important role in overall skin health. It is found in many moisturizers and cosmetic products and can improve the quality of the skin's surface. It can be obtained from fruits and vegetables that have an orange color (such as carrots, sweet potatoes and peaches) as well as dark green, leafy vegetables.
2) Vitamin C. Vitamin C has both antioxidant and skin-building properties and is vitally important to a healthy penis. Vitamin C can help to keep the skin oxygenated, allowing for faster repair of dry, damaged tissue. Vitamin C can be found in many food sources, including citrus fruits, onions, tomatoes, peppers and dark green, leafy vegetables.
3) Vitamin D. Vitamin D is known as the "miracle vitamin" because it is needed for so many of the functions carried out in the body on a cellular level. An adequate supply of vitamin D is needed for healthy, smooth skin. It is produced in limited quantities in the body and requires exposure to sunlight; it is also added to enriched food products such as milk and bread. Vitamin D is frequently found in skin creams and moisturizing lotions.
4) Vitamin E. This vitamin has received considerable attention lately as an important component of skin health. It is frequently used in treating chronic skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, both of which are characterized by dry, itchy, distressed skin. It is also beneficial for skin that is generally healthy, because it works to lock in moisture and boosts the skin's natural lubricating properties. Vitamin E is found in green, leafy vegetables as well as fortified cereals, and it is often added to body creams and lotions.
5) Water. The skin naturally loses water throughout the day, and this needs to be replaced in order maintain adequate hydration levels. Without it, the skin can become dry and papery, even when other nutrients are present in adequate amounts.
Steps for improving dry penile skin
To improve the look and feel of the penis, men can take the following positive steps - and, in doing so, they may find that they feel healthier and more energized in general:
- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Men should strive for five to seven servings a day, looking for fruits and vegetables in a wide array of colors and textures to be sure they are getting a good supply of the various vitamins and minerals they contain.
- Don't skimp on the healthy fats. True, too much fat - or the wrong kind of fat - has been linked to health problems like obesity and heart disease. On the other hand, the body needs a certain amount of fat to carry out its basic functions, including maintaining healthy skin. Heart-friendly fats that do not contain cholesterol come from plants; olive oil, for instance, is a good source of dietary fat and can add plenty of flavor and texture to the diet.
- Stay hydrated. It is important to replace body fluids that are lost through sweating, urination, other metabolic processes or even just rubbing against clothing. For overall health, men should be consuming at least 8 8-oz. glasses of water per day; doing so can lead to a better skin tone and texture as well as reducing that dry, rough feeling.
- Make use of a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A quality product that contains a high-end moisturizer such as Shea butter, combined with the hydrating capacity of vitamin E, can provide almost instant relief for dry, itchy penile skin. A cream that is fortified with vitamins A, C and D can also work from within to create skin that is smooth, supple and responsive, rather than dry, dull and parched.


Wednesday 22 October 2014

Beating Psoriasis Without Drugs

Psoriasis is one of the many diseases which are caused by the body's immune system, which has suffered a malfunction. The immune system mistakenly identifies good cells as "foreign" and attacks them, in a bid to protect the body.
This is why there is currently no cure for Psoriasis. There are some vendors who claim they do have a cure but considered expert medical opinion disagrees. Conventional treatment suppresses the immune with steroid medication, which causes problems in at least two ways.
First, the steroids cause many side effects, some of them can be very serious. Not every patient suffers from these side effects but careful monitoring by medically qualified professionals is vital.
Secondly, there is a need to bolster the immune system with additional medication, known as steroid-sparing or adjuvant drugs. These drugs can also cause side-effects.
If you want to avoid the dangers of these medications, there are various ways to get relief, depending on what type of psoriasis it is and where it is.
1) Creams, oils and lotions: There are many of these available, each with a different mixture of ingredients and each claiming varying degrees of success, from mild relief to complete cure!
The advantages of creams and oils is that they are quick and convenient to apply and they are relatively inexpensive. Many of them claim excellent results from happy customers.
They have the obvious disadvantage that they can be messy and uncomfortable, staining clothes and bedclothes and may be unsightly if applied to the face, hair or hands.
2) Where the psoriasis is in the hair or on the scalp, a shampoo is often the most convenient and effective treatment. Some shampoos have a strong odor, which many people consider to be unpleasant and this could be embarrassing in a social situation. Generally speaking, psoriasis shampoos and hair treatments are not expensive.
3) Nail psoriasis and fungal nail infections are in a different category. Toenails live in a sweaty and humid environment, where fungus can thrive, so improvement in this condition can be difficult and slow. Argan oil is a popular treatment for toenails and finger nails.
With toenails, there is the slight consolation that they are out of sight most of the time. Finger nails are probably easier to treat but it if they are in a bad state, they can be a cause of considerable embarrassment, especially for the ladies.
4) There is a growing number of natural remedies in tablet form, to be taken internally, usually with the aim of calming or "curing" the immune system. They make considerable claims in avoiding the harsh chemicals and drugs of conventional treatments, with emphasis on natural and herbal ingredients.
5) Hypnosis has had a place in homeopathic medicine for many years. The large number of practitioners and products is testimony to the popularity of these treatments, as is the startling behaviour seen in many stage and theatre shows.
Growth in technology has seen a huge increase in the availability of home treatments, in the form of CD's and downloads, so that sufferers can use these methods in the comfort and privacy of their own home.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Aloe Vera and Its Benefits

Aloe Vera has long been the calming gelatinous plant, used for almost all kinds of healing. Inside the plant lies the soothing and cool gel that can miraculously heal almost all sorts of cuts, wounds and burns. The leaves of the plant form a rosette and despite the spiky look and feel she is quite majestic and long-legged.
Like any kid, we used the leaf of the plant to treat burns and cuts. Bacterial infections like staph can be easily treated by the usage of this plant. The gel of this plant surpassed any anti-biotic treatment procedures, surpassing almost all anti-bacterial ointments.
If you are facing problems with proper functioning of your small intestine, aloe Vera might come to use. They work on your wrinkles, and, consuming them helps you lose a lot of weight. Drinking smoothies made of aloe four times a week can help you derive desired weight.
The gel and the latex are the useful parts of the aloe plant. The gel is obtained from the center of leaf cells, while the latex is obtained from the cells just beneath the leaf of the skin. The gel is responsible for causing changes in the structure of the skin that will help in the treatment of skin diseases and other factors. The plant can actually speed up wound healing by the improvement of blood circulation in the area, thereby preventing cell death around a wound.
Researches over the years have proven that the properties in aloe are meant to be harmful to a certain range of bacteria and fungi. Also the latex in the plant is meant to work as laxatives. The plant works the old fashioned way Cleansing, healing and repairing the damage of the past, ensuring renewal of the cells and cleansing your system.
A few benefits
· Having aloe latex by the mouth can actually help you reduce the source of constipation.
· O.5% extract of aloe cream, if used 3 times daily helps increase the cold sore healing rate in men.
· Itchy skin, rashes on the skin and mouth can also be healed by the usage of aloe vera. Usage of a mouthwash daily, for 8 weeks can result in reduces pain in association to itchy rashes formed in your mouth.
Research otherwise shows that application of a cream, having about 0.5% of aloe for 4-8 weeks reduces plaques in skin, thereby decreasing the chances of psoriasis. The aloe gel however works on decreasing redness of skin.