Sunday 19 February 2023

Is Psoriasis Inflammatory Disease?


A body’s natural response to infection is inflammation. Whenever we injure ourselves, whether it is getting a cut or stifling a toe, the area becomes swollen, and the skin around it turns red. However, if you have an overactive immune system, you may suffer from a variety of complications, including an overactive immune system. In response to this injury, the immune system attacks both the injured cells as well as the normal cells, causing chronic inflammation to occur in the body. As a result, psoriasis and arthritis can arise.

The effects of chronic inflammation on the body are not always evident. Despite not producing symptoms, it may still cause damage quietly. You might develop atherosclerosis in your arteries due to quiet inflammation, or your thyroid gland may become overactive or underactive. Regardless of the overall secretive approach of chronic inflammation, the symptoms of psoriasis are quite prominent. This chronic inflammatory disease causes visible lesions on the skin. 

How Does Psoriasis Affect The Body?

It’s a skin complication that causes you to have itchy plaques or scaly swelling along your skin. The plaques can pop up anywhere but are most likely to develop on your scalp, elbows, and knees. In a normal body, new cells grow and replace the old ones in a monthly cycle. With psoriasis, the process of forming new skin cells is sped up, thus resulting in the body producing new cells every few days. This causes skin cells to build, which we see in the form of plaques.

Cytokines are the agents that are responsible for this particular immune response. If psoriasis is not adequately controlled, the cytokine levels in our body rise, and this response is easy to spot due to the popping up of skin plaques. However, cytokines do not just affect the skin cells. They flow throughout our body, and as a result, high levels of cytokines in our body can harm our organs, tendons, and muscles. This causes an acute inflammatory response, due to which people suffering from psoriasis often have other inflammation-related complications.

The symptoms can start becoming apparent between the ages of 15 to 25. It is not specific to either gender, and people of all skin colours may develop psoriasis.

Types Of Psoriasis

There are multiple variations of psoriasis. In addition, it is possible to get several types of psoriasis at the same time and during your lifetime.

Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis is the most frequently occurring one and occupies 90% of these cases. This type causes thick red swelling that with scales that appear white or silvery in colour. Scratching or picking the plaques makes the condition far worse, so it is best not to touch them.

Other types are:

Guttate Psoriasis

The most common after plaque psoriasis. Its symptoms include small red bumps that are scaly in appearance. They appear along your arms, over your back and chest, and abdomen.

Inverse Psoriasis

It occurs in the form of lesions that appear as smooth and red. They occur in or around skin folds like in the underarms or between the buttocks.

Nail Psoriasis

This type is usually identified by the pitting, yellowing, or crumbling of fingernails.

Pustular Psoriasis

In this type, your body develops blisters filled with pus. These blisters form on your hands and feet and are often very painful. These types can be life-threatening in severe cases.

Causes of Psoriasis

As it is an autoimmune condition, the underlying cause is unknown. The trigger that causes the immune system to produce large amounts of cytokines is this unidentified. Dr. Megan Noe, a dermatologist associated with Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said there is no sole reason for a person to develop psoriasis. It is a combined effect of one’s genetics, immune function, and relationship with the environment.


As with other autoimmune diseases, you are at higher risk of developing other health problems. One out of three people with psoriasis develops arthritis, causing pain, stiffness, swelling, and pain in joints. People with severe cases of plaque psoriasis often develop hypertension, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and other diseases because of inflammation.

Final Words!

Psoriasis can affect more than your body. People with psoriasis often have to bring lifestyle changes they do not expect, like the clothes they wear. The doctor may recommend something different, like softer clothes that don’t irritate your plaques as much. It can affect your relationships, emotional health, and how you may handle stress and tension. 

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