Wednesday 15 April 2015

Homeopathy Treatment for an Autoimmune Skin Disorder - Psoriasis

By P Renuka

The persistent skin problem "Psoriasis" makes patients to suffer with red and scaly formations over the skin. Joints are also affected and patients will feel discomfort while moving their limbs. It is not contagious like other skin problems. Psoriasis outbreaks the skin in patches after it is inflamed with excess cell production, medically these patches are called psoriatic plaques. These patches appear white and are accumulated with excess skin productive. They are observed mostly in the joints - knees and elbows. There are a few reports as per which, patients do suffer with these patches on their scalp.
In simple words, it is a chronic condition and its severity varies with patient to patient. Skin specialist doctors worldwide say that they have seen patients with minimal patches and patients with maximum patches all over the body. In a few cases, aching in the joints is also reported, mostly in severe cases. Talking about the exact cause for this condition cannot be specified. It is in the individual's genes which makes him/her to suffer psoriasis. Till now, there wasn't any exact reason reported, doctors say it is genetic. It is an autoimmune skin disorder.
How it causes and what actually happens?
The important factor for this disease is genes. If an individual's immune system can block the viral infection, then there is no scope for the cause of the disorder. Here is vital information about "how the immune system is affected and psoriasis is caused". With medical terms, doctors or experts explain it as T lymphocyte damage, one of the three types of white blood cells. Generally, the growth of the skin cells will be gradual. New cells will take the place of old as they shed, this doesn't happen often, for every 4 weeks old cells flake away. When talking about the non contagious skin problem psoriasis, it alters the process of new cells replacing the old. The time period will be reduced to days instead of weeks.
Different age grouped patients suffer with this problem. The major percentage of patients belong to adult age group, whereas adolescence and teenage take minor percentage. The plaques, the thick patches, can be seen on the body parts like elbows, knees, scalp and back. It becomes embarrassing situation for a patient to show their body when they have to. For instance, teens with psoriasis will avoid activities like swimming as they have to show off the patches formed because of the non contagious health problem. In the similar way, patients face several embarrassing situations in their daily routine.
What are the symptoms and treatments available?
With different symptoms, the cause of psoriasis can be identified. In mild cases, small portions of skin are covered with a rash and in severe cases; the patient suffers with scaling, itching and tendering on a large portion of the body. We do have a few mild cases to know about. In mild cases, people reported large patches over the body causing discomfort. There are such severe cases, the joints of the body ache as they are swollen. Old skin piles up under the fingernail and toenails. The color of fingernails and toenails change can be observed along with the visibility in the separation from the bed.
People with this health problem may see the symptoms invisible sometimes even without treatment and that means they are still uncured, again symptoms appear after a few days. Doctors will name their problem as Psoriasis with a mere look at the body, which is covered with patches. No other tests like a blood test or urine test isn't required. By prescribing a few medicines and by guiding a few care tips, mild cases are easily treated. Mostly, the problem will be solved with medicines and care tips. The same is not with severe cases; it becomes impossible to treat them.
Different combinations of medicines or treatment may not work, because of the severity. There are ample cases, where people got cured of psoriasis with homeopathy. In these days, homeopathy sounds pretty perfect treatment for this non contagious health problem. However, the combination of treatment and care will only work. Overexposure to sunlight should be avoided, moisturizing the skin, giving up of smoking & alcohol, controlling stress & anxiety and of course a balanced diet, all these are included in the list of care tips doctors recommend.
Are there any types?
Yes! There are a few types of psoriasis and they are: Plaque, Flexural, Guttate, Pustular, Nail and Erythrodermic.
  • The first "Plaque" is most generally diagnosed psoriasis among 85% of the patients and the symptoms include elevated, inflamed and white patches.
  • "Flexural" leaves smooth patches over the skin and the patients feel irritated when sweating.
  • In "Guttate" cases, small round patches are observed over a large area like arms, legs, core section and scalp.
  • "Pustular" makes the patients to suffer with elevated sores filled with pus. The affected body parts here are hands and feet.
  • "Nail" affects fingernail and toenails. It alters the appearance like discoloring and separating nails from the bed.
  • Erythrodermic is a severe case, a broad area of the body gets inflamed. Skin will have severe dryness and swelling, because of this, patients suffer severe pain.

 Tips for patients with psoriasis
However, most treatments cannot cure the condition permanently, as it may occur again. If it is a homeopathic treatment, then permanent cure can be expected. The right treatment with improper care cannot improvise the condition, there should be proper care taken as well. Avoiding exposure to extreme heat or sunlight is always recommended. Sun burns may increase the severity and pain. Using powders will cause dryness; the condition becomes worse when the skin dry and this leads to itching. Moisturizing the skin is vital for itching. A balanced diet with all vitamins and minerals should be taken. Perfumes should be completely avoided. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol. Taking oatmeal baths can minimize the irritation. There shouldn't be a usage of beauty products; the chemicals in beauty products are not favorable to the skin affected psoriasis. Bathing soaps with moisturizing agents must be preferred. Doctor prescribed medication will work effectively when all these tips are followed.

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