Wednesday 22 April 2015

Homeopathy and the Life Force

By Michelle J White

Homeopathy is a form of energy medicine, working with bio information and bio-energy, this is similar to the way in which Acupuncture works, moving energy to or from areas of deficiency or excess. Homeopathy uses remedies and potency to achieve this, whereas an Acupuncturist uses needles to remove blocks and open channels.
Homeopathy stimulates the body and mind to heal itself on all levels. This is achieved by prescribing unique remedies for the individual. Homeopathy has been used in this way to great effect for the past 200 years.
Homeopathic medicines have been used for the same conditions over and over again. These remedies do not go out of fashion and do not disappear from shelves for no longer being effective.
The homeopathic remedies are natural substances and not synthetic like some mainstream medicines.
Homeopathy is virtually non-toxic, has no side effects. There is no risk of overdosing, poisoning or addiction. There is no drug residue or build up of tolerance to the remedy.
Homeopathy gently assists the body's natural processes, and does not interfere with the subtle balance of the body's natural functions.
Homeopathy works with the body systems without suppressing and causing deeper pathological problems in the future.
Homeopathy uses a remedy that fits the individual exactly, rather than using a medicine for a particular illness.
Homeopathy can be used to address both chronic and acute issues, physical and psychological issues alike.
Acute Conditions
These are classed as short duration and relatively superficial, although some can be life threatening. For example if you fall and bump or bruise your head Arnica would be indicated.
Homeopathic medicines are extremely effective for injury, inflammation, fevers, colds, bleeding. The remedies don't just reduce symptoms they promote tissue repair and can prevent long term problems.
Chronic Conditions
These are classed as long lasting with a tendency to get progressively worse.
Homeopathy can slow the progress and in some cases actually stop all symptoms of many chronic diseases. This can take considerable time though, depending how long the individual has been suffering from the disease.
The homeopathic remedies try to promote homeostasis (balance) of the body's natural functions, homeopathy can help with infections, allergies, psoriasis, arthritis and hormonal dysfunction. Homeopathy is not just effective with physical symptoms but can be extremely helpful dealing with emotional issues such as depression, grief, self esteem and anxiety to name but a few.
Homeopathy seeks to resolve your symptoms, not suppress them, by helping remove the cause of illness, while promoting and strengthening the adaptive and healing capacities of the patient.

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