Thursday 26 March 2015

All About Scalp Psoriasis

By Sara Nilsson

Nowadays, most of the people are faced to various kinds of diseases and some of them are more painful. Sometimes these types of diseases affect the life cycle of the patient in an adverse way. Psoriasis is one of the diseases that is painful and also affects on the life style of a Pearson. Psoriasis has many types; some of them are plaque Psoriasis, pustular Psoriasis, guttate Psoriasis, erythrodermic Psoriasis and inverse Psoriasis. At the present, fateful reason of Psoriasis is unknown.
Psoriasis has one another type which is a common skin disease and many times it produces reddish, raised, and often scaly patches on the skin. Sometimes appears as one patch and sometimes appears as multiple patches on the skin which may affect the whole scalp. Also it may spread away from the scalp to the neck, back of the forehead or behind the ears. This type of Psoriasis is known as psoriasis i hrbotten. Some of the reddish patches occurred on the scalp are hardly noticeable but mostly these are visible.

Scalp psoriasis does not spread through touch i.e. it is non-contagious disease. Similar to other types of psoriasis, its exact reason is unidentified. It is caused due to rapid growth of skin cells which results in the patches. An irregularity of the immune system is also one of the major reasons of fast cell growth. Development of this type of Psoriasis is depended on the family history. That means, if anyone from family is having Psoriasis then there is high possibility of developing Psoriasis rather than control.

Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis:
It includes many symptoms but only some of them are very popular which are as follows:
Dandruff and silvery-white scale can be seen on the scalp. But scalp psoriasis and dandruff are different from each other. Scalp psoriasis causes a silvery polish and dry scale on the scalp of the skin.
Dry scalp: Skin of the Psoriasis patients may get dry. To avoid this try to use moisturizers on the affected skin.
Itching: It is one of the most ordinary symptoms of Psoriasis. Patients suffering from Scalp Psoriasis may have strong itching which can interfere with everyday life and may have an effect on sleep at night. Due to which these patients cannot perform their daily work properly.
Bleeding: Many times due to dry skin, skin gets scratched and after some time results in bleeding. It is more painful, so patients should take care that the skin always remains moisturized to avoid it getting dry.
Burning sensation: Skin may give sometimes burning sensation.
Temporary hair loss: Even though scalp psoriasis is not the cause of hair loss, but frequently scratching, elimination of scales and stress may result in temporary hair loss.

There are so many treatments are available for Psoriasis but many of them have side effects. To prevent the side effects, special care has to be taken, at the time of taking Behandling mot psoriasis. To avoid this, and always try to take a topical treatment. To accomplish the topical treatment, patient should use medicated creams, shampoos, oils, and soaps. Other important thing is that always try to take treatment from recognized dermatologist.

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