Tuesday 4 October 2022

3 Major Signs Your OTC Psoriasis Treatments Aren't Cutting It Anymore

From allure.com

While some OTC remedies may be helpful, if you’re experiencing these three things, they may not be working for you anymore 

Living with a chronic skin condition can be difficult, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Psoriasis affects over 7.5 million people in the United States, so we at Allure have talked to some of the top experts in the field about how to get the best treatment there is for this confusing (but treatable!) condition, from inside out. Check out what we’ve put together here.

When it comes to psoriasis, there are two encouraging things you should know right off the bat. First, the chronic condition is treatable. Second, you’re not alone in this skin care battle. In fact, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation, over 8 million Americans have psoriasis, meaning it affects about 3% of adults in the United States.

Given that it’s such a common condition, it’s no surprise that there’s a vast amount of over-the-counter treatments available for those trying to relieve their symptoms. And while sometimes these options work wonders for the skin, it’s also possible that they’re just not strong enough to get the job done. If this is the case for you, keep reading — Allure tapped three top experts to break down everything there is to know about psoriasis, including how to know when your go-to OTC products may not be working anymore.

illustration of black woman applying cream to the psoriasis patches on her skin

Illustration by Amanda Bailey

First, what is psoriasis?

Before we get into the solutions for psoriasis, it’s important to know what the signs and symptoms of this condition are in the first place. Not to be confused with eczema, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that presents as patches of inflamed, red, itchy skin. These patches can appear on the face and body, particularly along the knees, elbows, scalp and lower back. Psoriasis often can take on a silvery appearance, and can feel extremely uncomfortable for those suffering from it.

What causes psoriasis?

"[Psoriasis] is caused by both genetic and inflammatory markers, given that one-third of patients with psoriasis have an affected family member, and tends to be a persistent lifelong skin condition," says Neda Mehr, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Newport Beach, California, adding that "it can be itchy, especially on the scalp and inside the ear canals, and can also present with joint aches and pains."

Although it can start at any age, it usually has two peaks of onset. The first is typically between ages 15 to 25, and then again from 50 to 60 years old. The main causes of flare-ups also vary and are largely dependent on the individual. Anything from dramatic temperature changes to stress can trigger a psoriasis flare.

Do OTC options for psoriasis work?

According to Blair Murphy-Rose, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, topical steroids are the gold standard for topical treatment of psoriasis. "Low potency topical steroids like cortisone 1% are available over-the-counter," she explains. "Because the lesions of psoriasis are often thick, cortisone may not be strong enough to yield a good response, but it is a good place to start."

You can also seek out hydrating emollients such as shea butter, petroleum jelly, or jojoba oil when looking for OTC psoriasis treatments since these can help reduce scaling, ease itching, and improve the health of your skin barrier (which is often damaged from psoriasis). “Retinoids, which are now available over the counter, have also shown efficacy in treating psoriatic plaques,” adds Rachel Nazarian, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City.

So, while there are OTC options available that experts say may be helpful in the treatment of psoriasis, they’re best for mild cases. And if you’ve just started noticing flakiness, it can’t hurt to try some available OTC picks — just be sure to keep an eye on how your skin reacts to them during use.

When is it best to see a dermatologist for more intensive psoriasis treatment?

Unfortunately, OTC options don’t always cut it when it comes to treating this skin condition. Sometimes, a prescription is needed to provide relief — here’s how to know when you’ve reached that point:

First sign: If your psoriasis spots are becoming more uncomfortable — even with a dedicated at-home routine.

Dr. Murphy-Rose says the number one indicator that it’s time to ditch your at-home treatment and opt for something stronger is that your psoriasis spots are no longer improving or are worsening when using your OTC treatments.

"A very important sign is that you are uncomfortable," she says. "Signs include worsening itch, redness, flaking, spreading lesions, and new areas of involvement."

Second sign: If your psoriasis spots are spreading to new areas of your body.

While psoriasis is typically found along the knees, elbow, and back, it can also develop elsewhere on the body — which is often a sign you need to have a talk with your doctor. "[Look for] involvement of new areas that are impacting quality of life, such as scalp, nails, or genitals," confirms Dr. Nazarian.

Third sign: If you’re experiencing other non-skin-related symptoms.

"Psoriasis may be associated with other autoimmune disorders such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, psoriatic arthritis, or with metabolic syndrome," explains Dr. Mehr. So, if you begin to experience any joint involvement, eye involvement (uveitis), or gastrointestinal system issues along with a skin flare up, you should see your dermatologist to determine if something else is going on.

The bottom line

Ultimately, Dr. Nazarian says it best: "If you’re noticing worsening of your psoriasis, plateauing of improvement, or complete lack of response, it’s best to discuss with your board-certified dermatologist." Not only will your doctor help to determine that you actually are suffering from psoriasis (there are other skin conditions that can look similar!), they can also guide you to treatment options that may include both OTC therapies and prescription-strength topicals, or they may even recommend oral and injectable options, too — all of which are proven to work and improve your quality of life.


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