Finger or nail clubbing can point to an underlying health condition
Clubbing of the fingers, also described as hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA), is an enlargement of the ends of the fingers accompanied by a downward sloping of the nails.
Clubbed fingers by themselves are not harmful, but since it can be a sign of lung cancer, among other diseases, it is important that your medical team identifies the cause and that you are treated for your underlying condition.
This article covers causes and symptoms of clubbed fingers and clubbed nails, along with how clubbed fingers are diagnosed and treated.
Desherinka / WIkimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0
Also Known As
Clubbing is also referred to as clubbed fingers, digital clubbing, watch-glass nails, drumstick fingers, Hippocratic fingers, Hippocratic nails.
Verywell / Jessica Olah
Primary vs Secondary Clubbing
Clubbed fingers, nails, or toes are typically a sign of severe disease, but not always.
Primary (idiopathic) clubbing is clubbing that occurs alone, without the presence of any underlying disease. Primary clubbed fingers, toes, and nails are a rare inherited trait—accounting for just 3% of all clubbing cases.
Secondary clubbing occurs as an effect of another health problem, such as lung cancer, heart disease, or cirrhosis of the liver. In fact, secondary clubbing is caused by lung cancer or lymphoma in approximately 80% of cases.
Is Finger Clubbing Rare?
The most common cause of secondary finger clubbing is lung cancer, however, only 5% to 15% of people with lung cancer develop clubbed fingers. Primary finger clubbing is far more rare.
Clubbing can involve your fingers and/or toes. It is typically bilateral (affecting both hands and/or feet) and it should be equal in terms of its extent on both sides.
If you or your child has primary HOA, then your fingers or toes may naturally appear large, bulging, and rounded. This will be noticeable during childhood or during the teenage years, and it will not change much over time. With primary HOA, other family members are also likely to have finger clubbing and/or toe clubbing.
Secondary clubbing happens gradually, and it causes a change in the appearance of your fingers and/or toes. With secondary clubbing, which is caused by disease, you would also have other features that are not seen in primary clubbing.
Features of secondary clubbing include:
- Softening of the nails
- Nail beds that soften and feel spongy
- Nails that seem to "float" instead of being firmly attached to your fingers
- Disappearing of the angle between your nails and cuticle
- Enlargement or bulging of the distal portion of your finger (where your finger meets your nail)
- Warm, red nail beds
- Nails that curve downward and look like the bottom of the round part of a spoon
Eventually, the nail and skin around the nail may become shiny, and the nail develops ridging.
Is Finger or Nail Clubbing Painful?
Clubbed fingers or clubbed nails by themselves are usually painless, and many people with clubbed digits are unaware of the issue. Painful clubbing may occur in some people with certain conditions that cause scarring in the lungs.
Primary clubbing is hereditary, and it is passed down via genes. Hereditary clubbing is simply a physical feature, like the colour of your eyes or your height. Several genes have been associated with primary clubbing, including the HPGD gene and the SLCO2A1 gene.
Secondary clubbing occurs as one of the effects of chronic lung and heart disease. Lung cancer is the most common cause of clubbing. This sign is also associated with a number of other chronic illnesses, including conditions that involve the thyroid gland or the digestive system.
There are a number of health risk factors associated with secondary clubbing, including:
- Lung cancer
- Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
- Lung abscess
- Pulmonary tuberculosis
- Pulmonary lymphoma
- Congestive heart failure
- Infective endocarditis
- Cyanotic congenital heart disease
- Bronchiectasis
- Cystic fibrosis
- Other types of cancer, including liver, gastrointestinal or Hodgkin lymphoma
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Liver cirrhosis
- Gastrointestinal neoplasms
- Celiac disease
- Dysentery
- Graves' disease
- An overactive thyroid gland
Can HIV Cause Clubbed Fingers?
People with HIV have a much higher risk of developing chronic lung disease and lung infections, which can inevitably lead to clubbed fingers.
How Clubbed Nails Affects Nail Beds
The medical conditions that can cause clubbing are generally associated with decreased oxygen levels. Experts suggest that clubbing occurs as your body undergoes changes in response to low oxygen.
Several processes affect the nail beds in secondary clubbing. The nail enlargement occurs due to the growth of excess soft tissue beneath the nail beds. The enlargement is associated with inflammation and a proliferation of small blood vessels in the nail beds.
A protein called vascular endothelial growth factor stimulates the growth of blood vessels, and this protein is considered a major factor in the physical changes that occur in clubbing.
Clubbing can be subtle, so it may be difficult for you and your medical team to verify this change in your digits.
There are a few objective criteria that are used to assess clubbing, and they can help in determining whether you have developed this physical change:
- Lovibond's profile sign: Normally, there is a sharp angle between the nail bed and the cuticle. When you have clubbing, the natural angle is lost as the nail angles down instead of up.
- Distal/interphalangeal depth ratio: The phalanges of your finger are the sections between each bending joint. Your distal phalange, the one that includes your nail, is normally shorter depth-wise than the neighbouring phalange. Clubbing is indicated when the opposite is true.
- Schamroth's sign: The sharp angle between your nail bed and cuticle forms a tiny diamond-shaped hole when you place your hands together with the top of your nails facing each other. When this gap disappears, it is described as Schamroth's sign.
Assessing Underlying Conditions
Often, clubbed fingers or toes develop due to a chronic medical condition that was diagnosed years before the clubbing developed. When you start to have clubbing of your digits, your medical team will evaluate you to identify any underlying disease that could be causing it.
Even if you have an established lung or heart condition, your medical team will assess your condition to identify any progression that could require an adjustment of your treatment.
Tests that you may need in the evaluation of clubbing include:
- A physical examination to assess for signs such as weight loss, difficulty breathing, skin changes, alterations in your pulse, or altered blood pressure
- A pulse oximeter to measure your blood oxygen level
- Pulmonary function tests (PFTs)
- Arterial blood gas test
- Chest imaging tests, such as chest X-ray or chest computerized tomography (CT)
- Blood tests, including complete blood count (CBC), electrolyte levels, liver function tests (LFTs), and/or thyroid tests
- An electrocardiogram (Echocardiogram to assess your heart function
- Abdominal imaging tests such as CT or ultrasound
- A biopsy if there is a concerning lesion noted on an imaging test
Usually, the abnormal shape and size of the digits do not cause health problems, but any underlying disease that causes clubbing needs to be medically and/or surgically managed, as appropriate. Treatments may prevent your clubbing from worsening and, in rare cases, can reverse some or all of the physical features of clubbing.
There are a variety of approaches used to treat the underlying cause of clubbing. Your treatment will depend on your situation. You may need management of respiratory disease, treatment of heart disease, or interventional therapy for cancer.
A Word From Verywell
If you notice clubbed fingers or toes, be sure to discuss this with your healthcare provider. Clubbing can be diagnosed in your healthcare provider's office. Although clubbing itself is harmless and doesn't require treatment, it is often associated with health conditions that can worsen without treatment.
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