Tuesday 5 April 2022

7 Myths About Psoriasis, Straight from People Who Have It

From allure.com

We’re busting stigmas today 

Living with a chronic skin condition can be difficult, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Psoriasis affects over 7.5 million people in the United States, so we at Allure have talked to some of the top experts in the field about how to get the best treatment there is for this confusing (but treatable!) condition, from inside out. Check out what we’ve put together here. 

Living with a chronic illness can be exhausting. Take psoriasis for example: Affecting about two percent of people in the United States, the disease causes itchy, often painful scales called plaques to develop on the skin. But it’s not just itchiness. Psoriasis also commonly co-occurs with things like  depression and substance use disorder, which might be in part because of the way it can interfere with people’s quality of life. Of course, while the physical discomfort of psoriasis — and the time it takes to manage it — also contribute, those aren’t the only reasons people with psoriasis struggle. 

“Stigmas surrounding conditions like psoriasis can make people feel more isolated than they already are, which can make it really hard to function with a disease that’s already painful,” says Grace Dowd, a therapist based in Austin, TX. Here are 7 of the most common (and harmful) myths about psoriasis, straight from people who have it. 

MYTH #1: Psoriasis is just dry skin

TRUTH: Just like dry skin, psoriasis can be itchy and even cause people to shed skin flakes. But there’s a big difference between everyday dryness and this chronic health condition. “Psoriasis is a true inflammatory condition caused by the overproduction of skin cells, which causes scales,” says Michelle Henry, a New York-based board-certified dermatologist.

Plus, overcoming psoriasis symptoms isn’t as simple as applying more lotion, and minimizing the condition also minimizes psoriasis patients’ experience. In fact, talking about it as though that’s all it is can be downright invalidating. “Dry skin is just on the surface of the skin and can be easily managed with lotion and hydrating,” says Sabrina Skiles, a freelance writer who has been living with psoriasis for the past 20 years. “But for people with psoriasis, it’s not that easy.”

MYTH #2: Psoriasis only affects the skin

TRUTH: Ashley Featherson, a food scientist who has psoriasis, says people commonly assume psoriasis only affects what they can see — the surface of the skin. But the truth is, for many, psoriasis can go a lot deeper, even affecting some people’s joints. According to Henry, a type of psoriasis called psoriatic arthritis can cause joint swelling and stiffness in addition to skin plaques, and even people with really mild plaques can have severe, debilitating arthritis. 

Any form of psoriasis can also affect a person’s mental health, and can contribute to depression and anxiety. “On a day-to-day basis it makes you sad to look at yourself, and it can cause a lot of social anxiety,” says psoriasis advocate Reena Ruparelia, who has the condition herself. 

MYTH #3: Psoriasis and eczema are the same thing

TRUTH: Another myth that Featherson’s heard is actually understandable, but that doesn’t make it any less false. Though psoriasis and eczema can both result in red, itchy skin, the two conditions have a few big differences, including their cause. 

While she says psoriasis is considered an autoimmune disease — basically, the immune system is out of whack and your skin cells multiply too fast — eczema isn’t. Instead, it’s usually caused by genetic and environmental factors. The symptoms can be different, too: Psoriasis causes thick, red patches of skin (plaques), whereas eczema (sometimes called atopic dermatitis) causes more of a standard itchy rash. 

MYTH #4: Psoriasis is contagious 

TRUTH: As if folks with psoriasis don't feel isolated enough, Skiles says it’s common for people to assume her condition can spread through close contact. “They say, that’s contagious, you shouldn’t be in the swimming pool, we shouldn’t be around you or in close quarters, or I can catch it.” Henry emphasizes that’s absolutely not true — psoriasis isn’t a contagious disease, so even if you touch someone’s plaques with your bare skin, you're not going to catch it. 

MYTH #5: A healthy diet can “cure” psoriasis 

TRUTH: According to Skiles, even if people realize what psoriasis actually is, they commonly recommend dietary changes to “cure” it. For example, she’s heard that eliminating gluten can improve or even “fix” psoriasis — but Henry says that’s just not true. 

“We recommend a healthy, well-rounded [diet] and a lot of foods we recommend eating anyway are naturally anti-inflammatory, but it’s not going to cure the psoriasis,” she says. “Go to the dermatologist and get proper treatment. There’s no magic cure.”

MYTH #6: Poor hygiene causes psoriasis

TRUTH: Because her plaques sometimes leave behind skin flakes everywhere from her computer keyboard to her clothes, Ruparelia says she’s found herself feeling and looking “dirty” — but that’s a harmful myth, and it perpetuates the stigma around the condition. Psoriasis is actually not caused by how often you shower or what soap you use. Instead, Henry says it’s a genetic, inflammatory condition, and it’s not caused by a person’s hygiene. 

MYTH #7: You can’t do anything to relieve psoriasis

TRUTH: While there’s no silver bullet to fix psoriasis overnight — that’s often the nature of chronic illness — there are plenty of science-backed treatments. Featherson says lifestyle changes like getting proper nutrition, avoiding smoking, and keeping stress at bay can help with psoriasis, and people with the condition can also use medications to manage their symptoms. “Drugs and topical creams do a really good job of treating psoriasis,” says Henry. “If you have it, speak with your dermatologist and make sure you have appropriate treatment.


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