Tuesday 3 November 2015

Skin Care Is a Complex Issue - Here Are Some Answers to So Many Questions

By Josef Bichler

There are many questions often asked about different skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, these are just the most common ones. Skin conditions are not easy to pinpoint or known exactly what triggers or causes them. For instance, body acne is a common problem and often gets worse in the warmer weather. Many times, acne worsens when the pores of the skin get clogged with oil, sweat and dead skin cells. Most of the time body acne is the result of fluctuating hormones and overactive skin oil production that many lifestyle factors can exacerbate. Other factors that can worsen body acne include clothes that are too tight and not breathable, as well irritation caused by body care products, laundry detergents, and fabric softeners.
How to treat it?
Keep in mind everyone's reactions can vary, but coconut oil works most of the time. Coconut oil is anti bacterial and anti fungal. The oil is also an extremely good moisturizer and gentle on the skin. It helps to fight bacteria and reduces redness. Tea tree oil as well is a very powerful all natural remedy. To apply it, mix a small amount of tea tree oil with one equal amount of water and apply it with a cotton ball to your skin.
Avoid most if not all soaps and the use of other skin lotions unless organic. Lifestyle choices can help by changing to a well balanced fresh whole food diet. Taking a good natural supplement that includes fruits and berries rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Eczema and psoriasis is also a skin condition that is often triggered by wrong foods and different chemicals applied to the skin. What I mean by that is, showering too often and using chemical laden body washes and shampoos. Every time you are lathering your whole body when showering, soaps tends to remove the protective sebum which is full of beneficial fats that your body uses to protect your skin. Yet, most people regularly use hush soaps to wash their entire skin surface and remove this protective covering.
Sunshine will help!
Eczema and psoriasis respond well to moderated sunshine. Most have forgotten that the sun is a gift that we need daily. A big percentage of the western world population is vitamin D deficient because of wrong messages over decades, being told to keep out of the sun. The sun is our best source of vitamin D, which our body needs to function, and to keep good health. The skin will benefit from moderate sunshine. Many people spend most of the time in buildings and get only light from artificial sources.
Become aware of all the hidden dangers!
This is often the onset of things to come, when wrinkles appear and accelerating of skin aging has begun. Become aware of all the hidden dangers of skin creams and lotions. The cosmetic industry is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to toxin laden products. These creams and lotions may give short-term benefits, but they come with the risk of long-term health consequences. Not only creams and lotions can do damage, just using sun-block lotions, which is just as toxic.
Another thing to consider is, your skin damage could as well come from the inside of your body. This is another threat to the health and appearance of your skin which does damage: It's called 'free radicals'. These highly unstable oxygen molecules occur just naturally, but factors such as exposure to toxins and being on an unhealthy diet can increase their level. If free radicals get out of control that can wreak havoc on cells throughout your body, leading to dangerously high levels of inflammation. This will accelerate aging and a multitude of health problems as well as oxidative stress and inflammation.
Although, the good news is that our body has a protective build in mechanism that can use antioxidants to neutralize free radicals. The bad news is that most of us are lacking the antioxidant firepower to get the job done just by making some changes. Change your diet to natural whole foods and leave out some of the bad stuff that can do you damage. Instead use a good natural liquid supplement to help your body regulate any imbalances. It should contain fruits and omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B, zinc and copper.
Avoid most lotions, creams, soaps etc. unless made from natural ingredients and/or organic. Such products are available in fact, a new anti-aging technology through a special cream that does something never seen before in skin care improvement. It can lift and refresh your skin while reducing wrinkles, without injections or costly trips to the doctor, and without pain. Pitted damaged skin is often the aftermath from acne and other skin related problems, which are now totally reversible thanks to naturally derived skin care.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9215258

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