Sunday 12 May 2024

Living Day to Day With Psoriasis


Steven Siracuse was about 19 years old when his psoriasis got bad. Rash-like patches showed up on his elbows, forearms, knees, calves, and scalp. A college freshman at the time, he covered up in long-sleeve shirts to avoid questions and stares. He also used steroid creams that didn’t help.

Now, more than 10 years later, his skin is mostly clear. It didn’t happen overnight. It took several years of dermatology appointments and plenty of self-discipline.

“Even at my worst, my case would be considered moderate,” says Siracuse, a financial analyst for a credit union in Buffalo, NY. “Some people have it all over their bodies. They have it all over the face. ... I always tried to keep that in perspective and tell myself that I was fortunate compared to other people.”

Over the years, Siracuse did what he could to manage the physical and mental effects of psoriasis. He worked closely with his dermatologist to find the right treatment and get his insurance company to cover it. He made the move from a high-stress job to a lower-stress one. He quit smoking cigarettes and cut back on alcohol. He patiently explained what the patches on his skin were when people asked questions or made comments that hurt.

Basically, he did many of the things that psoriasis experts recommend.

Making certain lifestyle changes can have a powerful impact on your health, and it may help your treatment work well.

There are some changes you can start making today, if you need to.

When you have psoriasis, your immune system releases chronic inflammation inside your body. It can affect your skin and other organs and tissues.

The more weight you carry, the more inflammation your body creates, which makes psoriasis worse, says Francisco Tausk, MD. He’s a professor of dermatology, allergy, immunology, and rheumatology at the University of Rochester Medical Centre in New York.

Tausk says studies show that biologic drugs used to treat psoriasis work better when people drop extra pounds.

Your goal should be to gradually get to a weight that’s healthy for you, says Dawn Marie R. Davis, MD, a professor of dermatology and paediatrics at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

Ask your doctor or dermatologist to help you get there.

A balanced, nutritious diet with sensible portion sizes can help you lose weight. Tausk says ideally, the best eating plan would be a plant-based diet of whole foods. If you’re not ready for that, try to eat more vegetables and legumes, and cut back on red meat and saturated fat.

Make a grocery list of healthy foods before you go to the store so you don’t buy tempting snacks that aren’t on the list, Davis says. And swap out your favourite treats for healthier substitutes. For example, buy baked veggie chips instead of potato chips, or sparkling flavoured water instead of soda.

Exercise can also help you drop pounds. If you’re not active already, ask your doctor to help you get started -- especially if you also have psoriatic arthritis, which makes joints painful and stiff. In that case, you can try low-impact exercises like swimming, yoga, or walking in supportive shoes, Davis says.

When you find a type of workout that you like, make it a habit, she says. If you like to swim, for example, set out your goggles, swimsuit, and towel the night before. Then call a friend who’s into swimming and ask them to meet you at the pool the next morning. That helps make you accountable.

“You may want to give up on yourself, but you’re not going to want to give up and no-show on your friend. So find an accountability buddy,” Davis says.

Research shows that limiting how much alcohol you drink can make your treatment more effective and help keep symptoms at bay longer.

Even drinking in moderation may affect your psoriasis, though, Davis says.

If you drink while you’re taking the medication methotrexate for psoriasis, your odds of liver damage will go up. What’s more, Tausk says, people with psoriasis already have “a much higher incidence” of fat in their liver along with inflammation and damage, a condition called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

“So if you add another insult, which would be the alcohol, you’re stressing the liver much more,” Tausk says.

Talk to your doctor or dermatologist about what’s safe for you. Ask if you need to think about giving up alcohol.

Kicking the habit is linked to fewer psoriasis flare-ups. Let your doctor know if you need help quitting. And if you live with someone who smokes, ask them if they’d be willing to quit or at least light up outside.

“Direct smoking and perhaps even second-hand or third-hand smoke” can impact someone’s psoriasis, Davis says.

Some people with psoriasis see their condition get worse due to ongoing stress, Tausk says. “Chronic stress is very associated with depression, and it’s very pro-inflammatory,” he says.

Talk to your dermatologist if you notice that your psoriasis flares up when you’re stressed. Depending on things like your personal situation and how bad your flare is, they might add a medication to your usual regimen or change your treatment until your stress gets under control, Davis says.

Things that can help you take charge of stress include:

It’s important to speak to your doctor or dermatologist if you’re feeling anxious or depressed. They can refer you to a mental health specialist like a psychologist or psychiatrist, so you can get the help and relief you need -- and deserve.

“We have surveys on our psoriasis patients that prove that they have a higher rate of depression and anxiety,” Davis says. “It is not uncommon for people to share that they feel different, they feel left out, they feel picked on.”

“[People] with psoriasis have more loneliness,” Tausk says. “They feel stigmatized. They tend to not participate in a lot of activities because they’re embarrassed.”

If that’s you, consider meeting other people with psoriasis, who may be able to relate to what you’re going through. Your dermatologist can point you to local support groups and other online resources.

“The National Psoriasis Foundation has groups in different cities,” Tausk says. “If [people] think that what they have is the worst thing in the world, they realize that there’s always people [who] are worse, and they’re able to share their experiences.”

Having psoriasis makes you more likely to get other health conditions.

“We used to see it as just [affecting] the skin. Well, not anymore,” Tausk says. “Nowadays we see psoriasis as a systemic disease that affects different parts of the body.”

He says more and more research links psoriasis with problems like inflammatory bowel disease and a type of eye inflammation called uveitis.

Other serious conditions tied to psoriasis include:

Make sure your doctor tests you for related health conditions and get treatment if you have any of them, Davis says. Often, getting another condition under control can make your psoriasis easier to treat, she says.

The key is to go to all of your medical appointments.

“It’s so important for patients with psoriasis to maintain a relationship with their dermatologist or their primary care provider because psoriasis is a complicated disease,” Davis says. “If patients don’t come back to visit us, we don’t know what’s going on, and we can’t help them with all the variables that they have to address.”

“We understand that we’re asking our patients to do a lot,” Davis says. “And while it appears to be uncomplicated, it’s difficult to put into practice.”

You don’t have to change everything about your lifestyle at once, she says. You can work on changing one thing at a time, and that can help you turn it a habit.

Your psoriasis may still act up at times, but “you should be so proud of yourself for being proactive, resilient, dedicated, and empowering your own health,” Davis says. 

Saturday 11 May 2024

How do I know if I have psoriasis?


Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects up to 3% of the population. It is characterized by a thick, scaly rash that typically itches and can sometimes be painful.

“Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disorder that results in inflammation and hyperproliferation (thickening) of the skin” says Sarah Lonowski, MD, MBA, Nebraska Medicine dermatologist. “Psoriasis is typically a chronic condition, but can be characterized by periods of flares and periods of inactivity.”

Psoriasis is not the same as eczema. Eczema is associated with dry, sensitive skin that causes intense itching. It tends to affect different parts of the body than psoriasis, though there can be overlap. Eczema often begins in babies or young children and may improve with age.

Psoriasis most commonly develops in individuals 30 to 60 years old. Both a genetic predisposition and environmental triggers are thought to be important in triggering the condition.

Environmental triggers for psoriasis include:

  • Certain medications
  • Infections such as strep throat
  • Stress
  • Cold, dry weather conditions
  • Smoking
  • Sudden withdrawal of oral or injected steroids

While psoriasis and eczema have similar symptoms, there are ways to tell them apart. Both are associated with patches of red, inflamed, scaly skin. However, the distribution of psoriasis on the body is typically different than that of eczema, and the plaques of psoriasis are typically thicker and more well defined than those of eczema.

Psoriasis can commonly involve the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Eczema usually appears on parts of your body that bend, such as the inner elbow, behind the knees and neck.

“Unfortunately, there is no cure for psoriasis, but we do have many new and highly effective medications to treat and control the condition,” says Dr. Lonowski.

When to seek medical advice

“The severity and frequency of psoriasis flare-ups can vary greatly for each individual,” says Dr. Lonowski. “If your condition is not severe or bothersome, you may choose not to seek medical treatment. However, symptoms such as itching, pain and flaking often lead people to seek treatment.”

Medical conditions associated with psoriasis

Psoriasis is increasingly being viewed as an inflammatory condition of the entire body, rather than just of the skin, notes Dr. Lonowski. Psoriasis has been associated with “metabolic syndrome,” which includes conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Even if the skin condition is not bothersome, your primary care doctor should evaluate and monitor you for these other potential health issues, notes Dr. Lonowski. Some people with psoriasis also develop psoriatic arthritis, which causes joint pain. Dr. Lonowski is part of a multidisciplinary clinic that focuses specifically on psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis to help patients better manage these conditions.

Treatments for psoriasis

A variety of treatments are now available for psoriasis that have fewer side effects than traditional treatments and are very effective, says Dr. Lonowski. These newer immune-mediating therapies target and suppress the components of the immune system that are producing the overactive immune response. This, in turn, decreases inflammation and subsequent itching and rash.

Treatments for psoriasis include:

  • Creams and ointments
  • Oral medications
  • Injectable medications called biologics
  • Infused (IV) medications

“Your treatment regimen depends on the severity of your symptoms, areas and percentage of the body affected, your level of discomfort, as well as other factors,” says Dr. Lonowski.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help you better manage the disease. This includes healthy lifestyle habits such as:

  • Abstain from smoking
  • Eat a healthy diet, specifically following a Mediterranean diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Reduce stress

“If you have significant itching and rash that won’t go away, remember you don’t have to live with it,” says Dr. Lonowski. “We have many effective treatments that can alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis and other chronic skin conditions.” 

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Expert debunks psoriasis myths


Psoriasis is a condition that causes dry, flaky red patches of skin that are covered in silver scales.

Although psoriasis is a relatively common condition, affecting around 1 in 50 people in the U.K., there is a lot of misinformation surrounding it, particularly on social media.

Ali Hedley, Medical and Professional Affairs Manager from Epaderm, has debunked some of the most common psoriasis myths.

Psoriasis is just dry skin

People often think that psoriasis is just dry skin, but it is actually a long-term skin condition.

"Contrary to popular belief, psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, not just dryness," Ali explains. "Our skin naturally sheds and produces new skin cells. For those with 'normal' skin, this takes place every 3-4 weeks and for those with psoriasis this takes place every 3-7 days, causing psoriasis patches to appear."

Psoriasis looks like eczema

The two skin conditions are often confused, but they are very different.

"Distinguishing itself from eczema, psoriasis exhibits thicker, more raised, and redder patches," Ali says. "Eczema generally targets the folds and creases of your body (behind the knees, between the elbows, on the neck), psoriasis often targets the surface of the skin (scalp, elbows, outer knees)."

Psoriasis is contagious

Although much is still unknown about the skin condition, it is known that it is not contagious.

"Psoriasis is not contagious. There is still research to be done to understand the cause of psoriasis but it does tend to run in families," the expert insists. "People with the psoriasis gene will find many triggers that cause a flare-up, most commonly infection, skin injuries, stress, and hormonal changes."

Psoriasis can be cured

Although it can be treated, psoriasis cannot be cured.

"While there's no cure for psoriasis, there are lots of simple and effective treatments to make skin more comfortable including emollients and moisturisers," Ali explains. "Epaderm Ointment provides practical relief during flare-ups. The over-the-counter emollient, with no fragrance and just three ingredients, is an effective option for moisturising and softening the skin."

Only topical treatments can help with psoriasis

There are a number of things you can do to treat your psoriasis, including taking baths.

"Many people believe that creams, moisturisers and ointments are the only options to treat psoriasis but there are other options," Ali states. "As long as the water isn't too hot, baths are a great way to ease the symptoms of psoriasis. Staying active, maintaining a balanced diet, and substituting your traditional hand soaps for the Epaderm Cream are various ways to support skin health beyond topical treatments."

Friday 3 May 2024

Can You Get Psoriasis On Your Lips?


Lip psoriasis is extremely rare, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility. Here’s what experts say to look for and what to do if you are diagnosed with the chronic skin condition

While the chronic skin condition psoriasis (PsO) is most commonly seen on the knees, elbows, and scalp, if you’re living with psoriasis, you know first-hand that it can occur just about anywhere on the body, including the lips. While extremely rare (only around 120 cases have been reported in the scientific literature, noted one Cureus case report on oral psoriasis), the condition can affect your mouth area, resulting in painful mouth sores and cracked lips.

If you have psoriasis and you’ve been experiencing mouth pain, it’s logical to wonder if the skin disease is to blame. We went to two board-certified dermatologists to find out more about psoriasis on the lips—including what the symptoms look and feel like, what causes it, and how to treat it.

Lip Psoriasis: What Is It?

While psoriasis can occur on the lips—as well as on the tongue and inside the mouth—it’s very rare, according to Marisa Garshic, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in private practice and assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.

“Psoriasis involvement of the lips in isolation has been very rarely reported in the medical literature but may also precede development of psoriasis lesions elsewhere on the body,” adds Pooja Rambhia, M.D. a board-certified dermatologist at UnionDerm in New York City. She notes that if you don’t already have psoriasis elsewhere on the body, it can be incredibly difficult for physicians to diagnosis since there are so many different conditions that affect the lips—and because psoriasis doesn’t always appear the same ways on the lips as it does on other areas of the skin.

“More commonly, you can have what’s called ‘geographic tongue’ where you have generally asymptomatic white migrating lesions on the tongue,” says Dr. Rambhia. “Approximately 10% of patients with psoriasis present with findings of a geographic tongue.” These white lesions can also spread to the lips or inner cheeks, she adds.

                                                                                  GettyImages/Tero Vesalainen

What are the Symptoms of Psoriasis on the Lips?

The reality is that symptoms of psoriasis on the lips can look and feel like a variety of other afflictions, including eczema and cheilitis (a broad term for inflammation of the lips). According to Dr. Garshick, lip psoriasis may also be asymptomatic. But when symptoms of psoriasis on the lips do happen, the most common symptoms, our experts say, include:

  • Burning sensation of the lips

  • Fissuring or cracking of the lips

  • Red patches associated with small pustules

  • Soreness and general pain

  • White scaling

How Can You Tell the Difference between Psoriasis and Cheilitis?

Cheilitis is an umbrella term that refers to inflammation of the lips and the surrounding skin, and according to Dr. Rambhia, lip psoriasis can be considered a type of cheilitis, though a very rare one. “There are many different causes and subsequent diagnosis of cheilitis,” she says. “Some examples include actinic cheilitisangular cheilitiseczematous cheilitis, and contact dermatitis.”

Dr. Garshick adds that while it can be quite cumbersome to differentiate between lip psoriasis and other inflammatory lip conditions, there are some ways to tell them apart. These are some of the most common ailments that affect the lips, and how they differ from psoriasis:

Chapped Lips

Chapping may appear as flaking on the lips and the surrounding skin, and typically can be cleared up with hydrating lip balms and occlusive ointments, whereas lip psoriasis may not respond to these over-the-counter treatments and typically will involve redness as well.

Contact Dermatitis

“While contact dermatitis can also appear as red, flaky patches [like psoriasis], it is often in an area that has been exposed to an allergen or an irritant,” says Dr. Garshick. “For this reason, it may worsen with certain triggers or be present in other areas.”

Perioral Dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects the area around the mouth (peri-oral) but can also extend to the nose and eyes. Rather than the white-coloured rash of lip psoriasis, perioral dermatitis typically appears as a red or pink rash with small, raised bumps or pustules. The rash may be itchy or uncomfortable and can sometimes cause a burning sensation.

Cold Sores

Also known as fever blisters, cold sores are small, fluid-filled lesions or blisters that typically appear on or around the lips, mouth, or nose. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), primarily HSV-1.

What Triggers Lip Psoriasis?

As Dr. Rambhia explains, there are no specific triggers isolated to lip psoriasis. However, some triggers for psoriasis in general include:

  • Hormonal fluctuations: Psoriasis has been shown to be influenced by various hormonal fluctuations, including those seen during puberty, postpartum, and menopause.

  • Infections: Streptococcal infections have been shown to trigger a specific subtype of psoriasis, called guttate psoriasis.

  • Injury or trauma: Psoriasis can frequently “Koebnerize”. The Koebner phenomenon refers to the development of fresh psoriatic lesions in areas of previously unaffected skin following injury or trauma in individuals with psoriasis.

  • Medications: Various medications, including but not limited to lithium and beta-blockers, have been associated with psoriasis flares.

  • Smoking: twin study published in the International Journal of Dermatology revealed that individuals who smoke heavily are over twice as likely to develop psoriasis.

  • Stress: Stress can trigger changes in the immune system, leading to inflammation and immune system dysregulation. In psoriasis, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, causing the rapid turnover of skin cells and the formation of psoriatic plaques.

How Is Psoriasis on the Lips Diagnosed?

To get psoriasis on the lips diagnosed, you’ll need to be examined by a board-certified dermatologist. “It’s important to share your history of persistent rashes on the skin, as well as any family history of psoriasis or evidence of psoriasis elsewhere on the body,” says Dr. Rambhia. “In some cases, a biopsy of the lip [tissue] is done to confirm a diagnosis.” Dr. Garshick adds that a biopsy is often recommended as it’s one of the only ways to accurately confirm whether it’s psoriasis, or another inflammatory condition.

How Do You Treat Lip Psoriasis?

Like anywhere else on the body, psoriasis on the lips can be treated with at-home remedies or medication—it all depends on the severity of your case and what your doctor recommends. “Treatment of psoriasis on the lips includes prevention of flare ups, for which regular use of Vaseline or Aquaphor can help to keep the lips soft and smooth,” says Dr. Garshick. She also notes that avoiding triggers, such as smoking, stress, and infections, can be beneficial. “Additionally, some options to treat psoriasis include topical steroid creams, topical non-steroidal creams, as well as systemic treatments such as biologics.”

At-Home Treatments

To help prevent and treat psoriasis flare ups on the lips, there are a few different measures you can take, including:

  • Keep lips moisturized and protected with an ointment like Vaseline or Aquaphor.

  • Avoid triggers such as smoking, stress, and spicy foods.

  • Use soothing lip balms with anti-inflammatory ingredients like aloe vera and turmeric.

  • Apply over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to the area.

Prescription Treatments

If you’re unable to tackle psoriasis on your lips with at-home remedies, your doctor may prescribe you medication to help get it under control—this can include both topical and systemic treatments, such as:

  • Topical steroid creams: These creams, which contain corticosteroids, work by reducing inflammation, itching, and redness associated with psoriasis flare-ups. However, when using these creams on the lips, caution must be exercised due to the thin and sensitive skin in this area. Strong steroid creams may cause side effects such as thinning of the skin, discoloration, or even exacerbate symptoms if used for prolonged periods or inappropriately.

  • Biologics: These drugs are typically reserved for moderate to severe psoriasis that hasn't responded well to other treatments. Biologics work by targeting specific parts of the immune system involved in psoriasis inflammation, thereby reducing symptoms such as redness, scaling, and discomfort.


Psoriasis on the lips and perioral area is extremely rare, but there have been reports of it occurring in medical literature. Moreover, psoriasis of the lip typically only presents when you’ve already experienced psoriasis on other areas of the body. Though diagnosis of lip psoriasis can be very challenging as it often looks identical to other types of inflammatory rashes of the lips, it’s critical to see a board-certified dermatologist to get accurately diagnosed and treated.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Common Triggers for Psoriatic Arthritis


From weather to medication interactions, learn all the ways this condition can be triggered 

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA), an autoimmune disease that leads to joint pain and skin rashes, can be unpredictable and change over time. If you have PsA, you know how hard it can be to pinpoint what’s causing your symptoms to worsen. There are multiple internal and external factors that impact the immune system, and figuring out which ones might set off a flare with psoriatic arthritis isn’t easy. What’s more, these factors, known as triggers, can vary from person to person. We asked the experts about some of the common psoriatic arthritis triggers and how to shield yourself from worsening symptoms.

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“Stress is one of the biggest triggers for flares,” says Waseem Mir, M.D., a rheumatologist at Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. Stress often occurs after an unpleasant life circumstance, new demands, an event like a death in the family. Stress could also result from an overall ongoing and challenging life experience such as poverty or marital dissatisfaction.

Short-term stress can help you respond to life’s challenges, but if the stress-inducing event goes on and on, your reaction can become more long-term, also known as chronic stress. According to an article in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, large bodies of evidence show that chronic stress can activate inflammation in the brain and the body.

The relationship between stress and inflammation becomes clear with psoriatic disease. In one study, patients with psoriasis in 31% to 88% of cases reported stress as a trigger for their psoriasis and a higher incidence of psoriasis occurred in those with a stressful event in the previous 12 months.


A variety of infections have been reported as triggers of psoriatic disease. According to a 2024 review, both bacterial and viral infections have been responsible for the onset or recurrence of psoriatic disease. Bacterial infections include Streptococci pyogenes (strep throat), Staphylococcus aureus (staph infection), Porphyromonas gingivalis (periodontal disease). Viral infections related to psoriatic disease include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus, and COVID-19.

Lack of Sleep

“Lack of sleep may contribute to psoriatic arthritis flares, but we need more research in this area,” says Melanie H. Smith, M.D., Ph.D., a rheumatologist at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, adding that the cause and effect may not be a straightforward relationship. “With sleep, maybe it’s not necessarily about being a trigger for psoriatic arthritis, but when we get less sleep, we feel more pain.” Given that people with psoriatic arthritis are more likely to have trouble sleeping, often from symptoms of the condition, exacerbation of pain is a real problem. According to the Arthritis Foundation, all the more reason to keep your psoriatic arthritis symptoms in check through proactive treatment.

Skin Trauma

If you have psoriasis along with your psoriatic arthritis, skin trauma or injury can be a flare of your symptoms, known as the Koebner phenomenon. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, psoriasis can appear in the areas of the skin that have been harmed as a result of scratches, sunburns, bug bites, and vaccinations. The exact reason this occurs remains unclear without enough evidence to support any one theory.

Medication Disruptions

Another trigger can be changing or discontinuing medication,” says Dr. Smith. That’s because a different mechanism of action might not work as well—or not work at all if you suddenly stop taking your medication. All of this can lead to worse symptoms, she explains. And in the world of psoriatic disease, medication changes happen quite frequently, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation.

Dr. Smith says that sometimes you will need to take the lead in shortening the time you are without treatment. “Sometimes it’s about making sure the doctor’s prior authorization is not running out anytime soon or if it is, letting the doctor know,” she explains. “I’m never upset about a patient advocating for themselves.”

Changing Physiology 

There are other times related to your medication where you could experience a psoriatic arthritis flare, but it may not be the fault of your medication. “Sometimes people will blame their medications for flares, reporting that their medications have stopped working,” Dr. Mir says. Usually, though, it is more complicated than that. “Sometimes it is about your body becoming weaker when you have a flare, not the medication stopping working,” he says. “Our physiology changes over time—especially as we grow older.”

“Maybe the medication was working for you five years ago, but now you are five years older and your body has changed,” Dr. Mir adds. These changes in your body as you age can sometimes trigger a PsA flare.

Alcohol and Cigarettes

A complex relationship has been discovered between psoriatic disease and alcohol. People living with psoriasis tend to consume more alcohol than the general population, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. Whether that’s because the discomfort of the disease drives people to self-medicate, if the goal of drinking is to help treat the symptoms of the disease, the opposite is true. Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration and nutritional issues, and also create oxidative stress and inflammation.

Smoking should also be avoided if you have psoriatic arthritis. Smoking is an independent risk factor for psoriatic disease. Why? One of the reasons is that nicotine stimulates immune cells by releasing inflammatory cytokines, according to a 2024 article in Cell Communication and SignalingAnd if you are already genetically predisposed to psoriatic disease, it seems that smoking can turn up the volume. Smoking upregulates the expression of psoriasis-associated genes.


Because everyone reacts differently to food, there is no one recommended diet for people with psoriatic arthritis, but Dr. Smith says that following a nutritious meal plan can help shield people from psoriatic arthritis symptom triggers.

In particular, foods with anti-inflammatory properties may help ease PsA symptoms: There is some evidence to support eating a Mediterranean diet if you have psoriatic disease. This diet emphasis is on plant-based foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes, fatty fish and olive oil.

A healthy diet is not just about what you eat, but also about what you leave off your plate, explains Dr. Smith. Because processed food may cause psoriatic arthritis symptoms to flare, limiting consumption of it can be helpful for keeping the disease in check.

Weight Gain

On average, people with PsA have a higher mean body mass index (BMI) than those with psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, or the general population, according to a study in Rheumatology; up to 45% of people with psoriatic arthritis are obese. Adipose (fat) tissue can act as an active organ in our bodies, secreting proinflammatory cytokines. As a result, obesity has the potential to activate many of the known immune-inflammatory pathways, causing a flare in symptoms to occur.

Additionally, carrying weight may also prevent your treatment from working as well as it should. According to the Arthritis Foundation, a number of studies have shown that for people with psoriatic arthritis, being obese raises the chances of not improving with certain types of medications.

Cold and Dry Weather

Dr. Mir said that weather changes can be a trigger for PsA symptoms. “I just spoke to a patient who was flaring with foot and hand pain and it seemed possible that it was from a weather change,” he says.

Dr. Smith agrees that weather changes seem to frequently be reported as a trigger of psoriatic arthritis symptoms. “Some patients say that their skin and joints get worse,” she says. The research supports the impact of weather exposure and variations. For example, a 2022 study reported that patients with psoriasis who had occupations with more sunlight exposure were less likely to report aggravation of psoriasis in autumn/winter. On the other hand, smoking and hyperlipidaemia (elevated lipids) were positively associated with the seasonal aggravation of symptoms.

Shielding Yourself From Potential Triggers

While you probably won’t be able to avoid all the potential psoriatic arthritis triggers, there are ways to reduce their impact. “Exercise does seem to help shield people from some of the triggers,” says Dr. Smith.

Keeping on top of your treatment can also impact the power of the triggers. “If your medication is barely covering your disease and you get an extra blow to the system, you are going to feel it,” says Dr. Mir. “On the other hand, if your treatment is covering your condition really well, then if you have a small hit from a trigger, the medication may cover it.”